Have you ??????


– Have you left something on the gas and forgot about it ?????? 🙄

– Have you ever made a dish with more salt and didnt know how to correct it ????? 🙄

– Has the pressure cooker’s safety valve opened up anytime, while cooking and you were shit scared to touch the cooker again ????? 🙄

– Have you ever tried five different colour nail polishes on your five fingers and laughed at yourself for doing such a thing ??????  😆

– Have you ever bought some shade of clothing thinking that it’ll match the salwar or the saree, but after coming home, realised it was just too different a shade ?????? 😆

– Have you been cheated by some shopkeeper on quality or quantity or pricing of a product ?????    😦

– Have you bargained on price, anywhere  and felt happy on saving a few rupees ?????  😆

– After cooking a full meal at home, leave it on the table and went to have dinner in some restaurant ?????  😀

– Have you been licked by a dog and totally loved it ?????  😆

– Have you styled your hair differently  and later regretted it ?????   🙄













Yes, I’ve done all these things and just wanted to make sure, if anyone of you is there with me on this.  ROFL….  😆 😆 😆

If you have done it like me, here’s a HI-5 from ME to YOU !!!!