CCE – Its an YES from me.

I hope that many of you are aware of the fact that the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) had made the Tenth Standard Board Exams optional. It certainly is a relief to many parents, but there is a huge sect of people, who wish that the Board Exams be conducted. (their reasons are many).

But this is the truth now – Optional Board Exams. So, how is it made optional ??? Optional to whom ???

The CBSE explains it as follows :

* Students wishing to continue the XI and XII standards in the same school, need not write the Board Exams. The School based Final Exams conducted, will be treated as the deciding criteria for admission into the XI class. Further, there is also a note that says students of the same school cannot be denied admission into XI.  So, looking at this option, it certainly is a blessing that the Board Exams have been done with, finally – at least, the pressure levels have been reduced on the students.

** Those students who wish to shift to a different Board – the State Board, only need to write the Board Exams. Now, that looks so simple, right.

Read this article, from The Hindu, before proceeding further with my post. [Article Link]

Here’s only one major confusion for me :

However, the final mark sheets given by the Board to students will not indicate which of the SA2 examinations that student took, according to C. Satish, Senior Principal, R.M.K. Group of Schools, who participated in the meeting with the chairman.

Now, if the final mark sheet is not going to indicate whether the student took a Board Exam or the School based SA-2, then what difference it makes if the student took the SA-2 exam and decides to shift out of the school ???  I feel that they should have different report cards for students who wish to leave school or at least there should be a mention that the students have attempted the Board Exam.

This X standard, being the first batch is sure to face a lot of difficulties in adjusting to this new mode of evaluation, called the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).

So many schools have started implementing the CCE starting from their Kinder Garden classes, which is very good, because the students are moulded to this new system from the time they start school and parents too get accustomed to this system from the beginning.

This system reiterates the fact that the student cannot be evaluated using one examination over the end of the year and that his overall performance in various areas, throughout the year, need to be monitored. And that’s very good. This system also helps in identifying areas of interest and performance, other than academics.

The continuous assignments and projects given every week called the Formative Assessments (FA), are to ascertain that the knowledge from the books has been employed in different situations and the concept understood better.  Students are made to work in groups to do this Assessment, which makes them a team player too. Recognizing leadership qualities, happens naturally in a team.

So, as parents, let us not crib about these FAs, which does take up a considerable time in the students after-school time….but with better planning, it can be accomplished quite easily.  I am not the kind of person, who says that these FAs are more important than play time….Naah, never.  Going out with friends, an evening match with friends, a simple walk around, a chit-chat session – anything to do with friends is a must to lighten the heart and relax the mind.  My only point is, a planned approach to these FAs, don’t look as scary as they seem to be, for many.

Now, there are two Summative Assessments (SA) in a year – like two semesters and the portions are not carry forwarded to another semester – which is a big relief to many. So, the Final Examinations (SA2), will not be on the whole book (as we used to have, when I did my Boards), but only on half the portions, which was covered in that Semester.  This is another advantage of this system.

I’ve to admit at this point, that the load on the teachers have doubled or tripled with this new method of evaluation, as they have records to monitor each and every thing associated with every single student.  Its high time, the parents understood this and be very supportive of this system and the teachers, who are working doubly harder, now.

Any new system needs time for people to get adjusted with and this CCE is no exception. I know many a parents, who just cannot or won’t understand this and are blindly supporting the Board Exams. Lets understand at this point, that the Board Exams are no good, if the students are dying of that pressure.

One more thing, which needs to be appreciated, is the Mark Sheet will have only the grades obtained by the students and not the marks in two decimal places. Thats wonderful news !!! It might sound so dis-interesting to parents, who are after marks. But slowly and surely, this will change the mentality of parents to reduce the pressure on students. When the pressure is less, the students learn better, in a relaxed surrounding.  Knowledge gained is certainly in a better ratio.

I am all for this CCE, which is sure to change the way children study and will certainly bring down the high-pressure study years.

Lets build knowledge – Marks don’t matter !!!


Read through the CBSE’s CCE here.

The Changing Colors in Chennai

This was taken about a month back, I guess.


Just look at the color of the leaves…..I just love them. Those tender leaves in that wonderful shade make a beautiful contrast to the old green leaves.

Who says you can’t spot the changing seasons in Chennai ???? Or the lovely colored leaves over here ?????

Now, look at this one, taken last week. Its amazing.  Look at the transformation. 🙂

Look at that wonderful shade of green, which really feels like hugging it !!!  Now, who wouldn’t wait for mangoes from this beautiful tree ??? 😉 😛

Nature around us is so so beautiful, like this simple mango tree, which can lift my spirits by the colors it shows. And I love watching and admiring Nature, which makes me feel so alive and so damn lucky to be part of this World, to enjoy them all.

Full Circle – 2

Have you read that “History Repeats Itself” ?????

The 80’s :

Exams are coming. Its time to revise and learn the lessons. The portions are vast – What vast ??? The whole book. And nobody questioned the school authorities on that. Neither did the students struggle with competition. (I think that’s topic for another post, which is getting ready. 😉 )

She is busy reading for her exams, when suddenly she realises its 9pm in the night. And being an Night Owl, she feels that she’s become more alert at this time. She learns her lessons more quickly and never does fatigue attack her at this time.

But her younger sister is already on Cloud 1 dreaming away to glory, at 9pm. Her eyes just can’t remain open after that cut-off time. So, how does she manage to revise ???? She gets up, when Japan wakes up….Oh No, joking…..she’s up as early as 4am and starts studying, which the elder one can’t even think of. 4am is like mid-night for the elder one.

The mother goes mad in-between these two girls, who keep the light ON – one keeps it ON late into the night and the other starts very early in the morning.

Now :

Sr is following the Elder one (who is none other than her own mother…..thats me…. 😉 ). She is happily studying and revising through the night.

Sh is following the Younger Sister, by hitting the bed when the clock hits 9’o clock, in the night. Its slumber time for Sh. 🙂

The mother keeps company for Sr, till late night, making her some warm lemon tea, to keep her going.

As per instructions by Sh, the mother wakes her up at morning 5am and keeps her company too….

All is fine…the girls are studying….but does the mother gets a proper sleep ????

History is repeating and the mother is mad at losing sleep….. 😉

Cloudy Thursday !!!

I am so happy to be doing this, after so many weeks of missing this. It gives me great joy in searching my picture archives for the correct picture to match the theme for Thursday Challenge, which is WEATHER, for this day. 🙂

Clicking Clouds pictures is my fav past-time, standing in my balcony. I can sit and stare at them for hours, without doing anything else. Especially now, when its raining on and off in Chennai, the spurts of sun-light, brings in a variety of clouds and its a delight for me, as though being served cups of ice-cream to a kid. 😛

So, look at this Cloudy pic….I certainly couldnt believe these wonderful clouds…. Doesnt it look like smoke, in one angle ???? Nature at its best. 🙂

A little Wordy, this Wednesday (WW-22)

I really want to get back here…..damn, I missed this blogosphere so much – of course, it goes without saying that “I missed you ppl”. Its good to be posting even if its simple updates. Of course, I didnt want to miss another WW…. 😉 😉

So, the update is : Dad has been discharged and is at home. Recovery will be slow and might take a few months, but all seems to be well on the road to recovery. So, thank you guys, for all the prayers, which certainly helped. 🙂 🙂

I’ll be around, am trying to read the posts which my reader is glaring at me….guys, u have all been busy posting, I tell you !!! 😉

So, here’s one more fav pic of mine, from the recent Navrathri Kolu….to ward off the bad vibes – thats the purpose of these faces, really !!!

Diwali – Quiet and Praying…

Diwali was quite noisy around my home…..but my heart was unusually quiet. Was not in the mood to do anything. But, on my mom’s insistence, I decided to do something for the girls and they all came out so well and vanished so quickly into the tummy, too.

Thankfully, some pics were clicked, while making them to share with you all.

Here’s the Ribbon aka Nada Thenkuzhal saga….

And this one was extremely delicious, according to the girls. 🙂

Gulab jamuns.....MTR is the best....

And I made Mysore Pakh after so many years…..

And the hands had a mind of their own and dig into like this….

And it vanished it like this….

Picture Courtesy : Elder one. 🙂 🙂 She has my genes, right ???? 😉

Hope you all had a great time with family and friends, on Diwali. 🙂 🙂 Here’s wishing everyone a very happy, HEALTHY life ahead. 🙂


Here it is – my Dad has been diagnosed with Nocardiosis. Read more about it here…… [Link]

Since it affects the brain too, his movements, speech and many other functions have been affected. Progress is slow, but he is responding is the Doctor’s opinion. We are waiting and praying for him to come out of the ICU soon.

Since I am at the hospital most of the days, this blog is missing my attention. Will catch up with you all soon.


Dear Friends,

If you all ever skip a meal, plz think about this. Its my Dad’s untimely eating habits, which led to a very weak Immune System – of course, it has happened over the years and not overnight. The weak Immune System is the major reason for this Bacterial Infection. For a healthy person, this infection is killed by the body’s antibodies.

Eat in time and have a healthy life. Take care.


Wednesday – It just cannot be Wordless today.

There are two sects who pray – the one which fervently prays for their wish to materialize and the other which prays for strength to pass the life’s test on them, at that moment.

Right now, I am in the second sect, of course I’ve never been in the first. Its my deepest faith that things happen to me for the best reasons and I need to understand the flow of things around me to pass the life’s test.  Sometimes, the flow of things around me can depress me, stress me, like the situation now. But I want “Mann ki Shakthi”, to come out of this test.

I know I am ranting here and probably you are getting bored with all these…..but I need to get it off my system, to take more news from the hospital.

The doctors say that there is no need to worry as he is taking a longer time to respond to drugs, but to see him in the ICU is heart-wrenching.

When I was young and got hurt, my Dad was there next to me. May be like a silly girl, I thought that I will take care of him like this, when I grow up. So, to make my wish come true, should my Dad be in the hospital ???

Do I need to pray to Ganesha or Durga or whom ????  Whoever is it, the Super Power, grant me this one wish today – “Mann ki Shakthi” !!!

When the heart really really desires something, the whole universe conspires to give it, right ???? Now, the combined prayers of you all, should certainly create a miracle.

I strongly believe in the positive vibes creating good things around me. And all your prayers, wishes, hugs, energy are all being diverted to my Appa, at this moment, which will give him strength to fight back and come out of the hospital, hale and healthy.

Here I am lighting a lamp, for this festive season, in the sincere hope that Dad will come back home soon, all healthy, smiling and energetic. 🙂

Too many thots

So many thoughts flood me now…..

There are times when I felt that my shift to Chennai would’ve been avoided and I would’ve stayed in my fav city Hyderabad. But for the past 2 weeks, I am thankful of my stay here, which in a way makes me closer to my Appa.  My presence is not going to change many things, but it helps to heal my heart that I am nearer to my Appa, than a STD call.  I feel that I am in the right and destined place, now. I don’t think I could’ve been able to take so many days off from my girls’ school schedule and made a trip to Chennai. So, this is the best place for me, today.

He is healing, but its taking time…..some medicines take the longest time to show some results. And we are stuck in the longest time braces.

But we are hopeful….What’s life without hope, huh ???? Even though every moment tries hard in breaking the wall of hope, the heart succeeds in maintaining the wall of hope strong with the love towards the fatherly soul.

All your words of hope and prayer, is so much close to my heart….here are the hearts that are praying for my Appa, which is a great healer.

Diwali being so close….just 4 days away, there are so many things to do….but the heart is not responding to so many things….

Yet, I am consoling myself to make some sweets and other things for the sake of my daughters…..

Last Diwali was terrible with shifting to Chennai and we never got to celebrate my fav festival properly. This time I shouldn’t let the worries of the heart interfere with the celebrations….

The heart is not a dumbo….it understands perfectly what the desires are. And also that not all desires are approved by the Moderator above us….but still we wish that the desires are not sent to SPAM or Deleted Permanently !! We start praying at least for a delayed approval !!! How silly of the heart to expect so much, all in the hope that all our desire will be granted or approved !!!

Those things which get granted for us, whether desired by us or not, are for us to handle and prove that we are worthy of living.  They are life’s tasks to us, to prove our capabilities.

Am I blabbering ??? Or u think that I am philosophical suddenly ????  Its all the confusion and gap between the likes of the heart and the granted ones by the Moderator and the mind’s unstableness in accepting them !!!!

Here’s a wish for Healthy Happiness to my Dad !!!

Here’s a prayer for the Strength of the mind and heart to handle the situation !!!

Here’s a warm hug to all my dear friends, for helping me, by their lovely chat/sms msgs and hugs and mails.

Here’s a congratulatory hug to myself for at last understanding the need behind my presence in this city.