Microblog Mondays – The barter love

Strange are the ways, these Ad makers think. The only thing is, the ad should make an impact – it can be any kind of impact, positive or negative. They are not bothered by it.

And Airtel’s new ad stating that “Be nice to your dad, it’s the only way to get him to share his postpaid plan with you” is done in bad taste, where dad’s love towards his children or the child’s love towards their father is established as a simple means to get the postpaid plan of your choice. It can’t get cheaper than this.

Barter love – bad taste !!

And then there are ads like these, which touch my heart, every time I watch it !

See the contradiction and judge for yourself !



7 Replies to “Microblog Mondays – The barter love”

  1. I laughed when I saw the ad, and then it struck me, the message! Everything is a deal these days na?
    Also that Havells ad, somewhere down the line, it stresses on stereotype too, does it now, though of course it is a sweet story within, unlike the airtel ad πŸ™‚ We had this eye-opener of a session a few months ago, when we had to attend a Gender Sensitivity Workshop, (GS classes are mandatory in school, though no one seems to be doing anything of note there!), and one of the topics was how such stereotyping was being subtly infused with public advertising too πŸ™‚

    Discerning post, as always, Uma πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have to admit that I often hop over the ads — even the sweet ones. They take me out of the story (and frame of mind) of whatever I was watching. Though the second one you posted was sweet.


  3. Ugh!! I hate the ad!! Even the way the song was sung…such an awful distortion of the original.
    You’re right; are we seriously teaching our kids to do things for us just so that they get money out of us?! That kid looks big enough to pay for his own plan and that’s exactly what ‘papa’ should make him do!!


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