Its Complicated

Yes, Its Complicated. The relationships, I mean.

I came to such a conclusion, after watching the movie “Its Complicated” on HBO, on Sunday.

Being a great fan of Meryl Streep, I was really feeling like watching this movie. But, when I saw the timing for this movie, it disappointed me…..Sunday evening 6.30. And I knew that there was an India match that same day. How can I watch the movie, when hubby will be glued to the Cricket Drama ????

Was also wondering how to flick the remote from the husband’s hand, to channel switch to HBO.

But I do believe in the miracles by God. ย And especially when God recently did this one for me. He provided my husband with a ticket to that India match !! Now, isn’t that awesome !!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

My God helped my husband to see his God – Sachin !!!! :mrgreen:

And so, miraculously I got to saw the movie, without any disturbance.

Oh my, I was totally hooked to this one. How lovely she looks – Meryl Streep, of course – she is very graceful and so wonderful with her brilliant yet sweet smile. ๐Ÿ™‚ And guess what – in the movie, she runs her own baking unit, called The Packet, which is so fab !!! I loved that too….esp, the baker in me was totally cheering for that. ๐Ÿ™‚

This movie is a wonderful take on how relationships twist and turn us around, and goes on to show how we make it so complicated.

It’s an amazing insight into the life of a woman (Jane), who is divorced because her husband (Jake) cheated on her. ย But when his second marriage with Agness is not working great, he wants to get back to Jane. ย Even though Jane enjoys their initial meetings, she finally decides that this just cannot work for her. ย Adam the Architect, is the other angle to this story, who is dated by Jane.

And I am so happy with the ending, as Jane decided to be herself and not fall into the trap again.

The simple day-to-day acts, through which a wife expresses her love, is taken for granted by most men. Like cooking dishes, considering the health point of view, of the husband or children or stopping the hand that goes towards that extra salt or pickle helping. ย Its only when the men are left to fend for themselves, they realize that these were acts of love and not some nagging wife telling them to stop eating. ย There were many moments in the movie, which were so expressive about these things.

There are so many awwww moments, which touch you to the core.

Loved the part where Jane and Adam smoke pot…..ROFL !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

On the whole, you get a satisfaction of watching a nice movie….so, go for it – check out with HBO movie list !!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


TC’s theme fascinate me….and surely make me to go through my whole archives once every week… ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

This week, TC asked us to Go GREEN !!! And so, I went !!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The bright green !!!

The Mango Tree beneath my home, is always a temptation to me. I always look to it to know, if the flowers have come, the tiny mangoes are out (to make mavadu) and the big ones are ripe enough to eat. ๐Ÿ™‚ Summers are horrible – Mangoes make it tolerable. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Isnt it ????

The Blooming Mango Tree of this season.

The beautiful and quiet Money plant – ย a shade I love !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

The beautiful shade of green !!!

This one is actually a lotus pond…..but the leaves were more dominant on this day of click. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The cute little lotus pond...