Microblog Mondays : Farewell parties

Last Friday was my daughter’s farewell party in school, organised by her juniors. If there was one thing she was excited the whole of last year, it was this Farewell party. What to wear, being the sole question always 😛 😛

Actually, she was talking about her 4th grade memories, among which the most predominant one was the Farewell party. She has been longing to be all grown up and be a part of the 12th class, and enjoy the school leaving party, given by her juniors. And finally, it happened.

Even though we all love our school days, our school friends and all the memory associated with it, there is this tiny part inside us, which keeps longing for this party.  While all we do the most is click pics and giggle continuously, this moment is special and is close to our heart.

While I helped my daughter to dress up, there was a ting of nostalgia for me, as I traveled back to my school days.  I still remember how we sang and danced and had loads of fun at school.  Sigh…one of the best parts of my life has been in school and I cherish it so much, even though farewell was fun and exciting.

Any farewell party memories ??



21 Replies to “Microblog Mondays : Farewell parties”

  1. yes .. this reminded me of the farewell party in school .. even though i did not have much fun in school but I cried a lot that day along with some of the best people in the world..

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  2. I can understand how you feel, Uma! I remember taking around one tiny autograph book to all my friends and asking them to write something and sign. I think I still have got it! You must have read my ‘school memories’ post. Those days were the best!

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    1. Should catch up with your post soon Sandhya 🙂
      ha ha…I remember that autograph book too 😀
      Mine may be lost in transit, but the memories are so still so fresh !!


  3. Because the timing of this farewell party is so different to what I am used to (either here in NZ/Aust, or what I see in the northern hemisphere), it did remind me of a farewell party at this time of year, when I was at school in Thailand, and my school year was ending. Thanks for reminding me of the farewells then – both at school, with friends after school, and one or two parties too.

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  4. Oh yes! I remember my juniors went all out and did a whole village theme with brass pots to serve food and a thatched roof-like thing as a stage! Such great fun but at the same time a deep sense of loss of not being in school any more!

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