The Cloudy Day Story…

The wonderful Nature never ceases to amaze me. Here’s proof. Looking at the black clouds from my balcony, how can I resist my hands reaching for my camera ???

But, the effort was worth it. See for yourself :

The first sighting of the clouds, from the balcony...

When they moved further near me….

Little bit nearer...

Now, above my head… 😉

Exactly above me...I am excited...waiting for the raindrops...

And then it poured and poured, I couldnt put my camera out of the balcony and click a few pics…but managed to click this later…

The Wet place around....

You know which song we were singing then ???  Yeah, u guessed it right…its this one…

38 Replies to “The Cloudy Day Story…”

  1. Oh my gosh! It’s stunning: esp the third one…looks like a painting!

    I loooove clouds 😀 And to touch one is my greatest wish in life 😀 😀 😀

    Once, from my previous company, we were sent on a site visit and asked to click as many pics of the factory as possible (we were doing the client’s new website and needed pics ;))
    All through the visit, the cam was with a colleague who took minimal pics. Once we were out, I got the cam…and I took soooo many cloud pics. Finally, when the cam was reviewed in office, the boss said maybe i shud’ve been given the cam earlier. She takes nice ones…and MANY! 😀


    1. Hey, glad u like it. Thanks. 🙂

      Me too…that one wish never seems to be satisfied becos, whenever I think I touch the clouds, they move faster from me… 😉 😉

      WOW…bravo…the Camera Woman !!! 🙂 🙂


  2. Very nice 🙂 Glad that you clicked them… while I am a kid I used watch those movements of cloud with such enthusiasm and assume some animal name for the clouds 🙂


  3. Such happiness at seeing rain, Uma! Come here, two days of non-stop rain and cloudy skies will cure you 🙂

    Can you imagine my situation. I look outside m window and see cloudy, grey skies and wet, wet wet everywhere. Open my reader and see this! Clouds and rain and wet everything 😦 Sob sob!


  4. When did all this happen yesterday ???? and I thought we lived in the same city. It rained, but somewhere around 10-ish, cuz thats when I got stuck in traffic ! 🙄


    1. LOL…it was not yesterday…a few days back !!! Loaded pics from camera only today and realised that I took this awesome set and so posted it…. 🙂

      And it was awesome yday too…I loved waking up to a rainy day…my chai is more wonderfully tasty and hot, sipping while watching the rain. 😉


  5. lovely pictures , you know if you come to uk you wud not leave ur camers , these days the clouds come and go like mumbai ki baarish and yesterday No sorry on friday night i was on duty and the thunderstorm wish i had a camera it was as if someone is using the flash of the camera every other second..

    and the SONG I love that film and aamir khan is a class apart so hats off…


  6. Wow!! loved it!
    Especially the 3rd picture is mind blowing, with the dark clouds and beautiful formations 🙂 Rains are always nice in Chennai. Getting drenched in them is just so much fun 🙂 🙂 🙂


  7. I am so glad I know someone else who loves the rain….
    I cant understand it when ppl say they hate the rain (I agree it makes travel difficult and causes traffic jams…thats a consequence of rains…..) but the rain by itself is beautiful 🙂


    1. Undakanni…you are taking it as ur name to scare the proposals from falling on you, huh ??? 😉 😉

      Yay !!! Hi-5 to the rain lovers. 🙂 😉 Rains are amazingly beautiful… 🙂 🙂


    1. Oh yeah, me and my elder one Sr are always after the clouds and shapes they make !!! 🙂 You are most welcome Comfy…anything to make an amazing start for you. 😉


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