Age is no bar for learning

Read this at Aaroo’s !!!! Β Isn’t it so sweet ???? I loved this post. And I wanted to write something in the comment….then realised its better to post the thought. So, here it is.

My daughter, Sh, created a Gmail Account for my amma, about 6 months back. She taught her patti, to login, check the inbox and to send mails.

My amma, patiently took notes, as if it was some CA class going on…never feeling inhibited at learning from her grandchild. Hugs to you, amma. πŸ™‚

Then it started. What ??? The phone calls. Every week, any time, my amma logs into her computer and her account, she’ll have a doubt and she never hesitated to ask me or my sister to clarify them.

Sometimes, it’ll be like “How should I add a new contact ??” “Where are the old contacts saved??” “Gmail is not opening…what could be the problem??” “Some virus message is coming..what does it mean ???” …. Many more like this…I was happy and amazed at her childlike quality to know more and learn all that is to do with mastering this art of sending mails.

Then she wanted to know how to send pictures and how to open the ones send by others… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

She doesn’t have a FB account yet, but I’ll not be surprised if she gets one soon. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

She loves using the Gmail’s tamizh typing feature and all her mails to the family members are in tamizh. Β Now a days, she doesn’t call us, first thing in the morning, rather she logs in to mail a wish. πŸ™‚ Β And I am so proud of her. πŸ™‚

Now, the WWW doesn’t scare her, rather the web is under control… πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰