Microblog Mondays – A satisfied smile

I love cooking. Period.

But I love it even more, when I hear slurp sounds at the dining table, on sambar days 😀

I love it when my daughter winks at me with a thumbs up sign, denoting food is yummy 🙂

All the more, I love it when my elder one talks about my food over the phone and plans the menu during her vacation days, which are yet to come.

And when friends and relatives appreciate the food cooked by me, its like I am sitting on a fluffy “Feel Good” cloud the whole day…seriously…love it 😀

Now, being the manufacturer of Ready to cook chapatis, I got a call from one of my customers recently. While I was awaiting the order, this customer floored me !!

She told, “I am glad I got chapatis from you. Every single chapati fluffed nicely and was very soft to eat. Thanks dear”.

Now, I have this “satisfied smile” plastered on my face…so happy 😀 😀



18 Replies to “Microblog Mondays – A satisfied smile”

  1. Wow!! those are lots of compliments. No doubt you would have been flying on the seventh fluffy cloud. You deserve it. 🙂


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