Microblog Mondays – The musky obsession

I used to hate perfumes. They always give me a headache. I never buy them and also stay away from people who splash a lot of perfumes and get into a small lift.  And even in closed cars, the perfume smell is so strong that I immediately try to open the windows.

Those floral, fruity perfume flavors are not my type. I prefer the simple Deo, especially the sport ones, as they are not so overpowering.

And recently, I discovered my love for the musk.  I am falling for it, totally.  This is the best thing that is happening to me now, as I can go musk shopping now 😀

In one of the online dictionaries, I found this description for musk.

A musky smell might make you close your eyes and smile, or it might make you leave a room. Either way, it’s a very strong and sweet odor that’s hard to ignore.

Musk is a scent that deer secrete to convince a mate to cuddle with them, and so a musky odor often does the same for humans.

Who said floral and fruity flavors are only for women huh ??  Even though the perfume market is overloaded with such typecast flavors for women, I feel there are a few out there, like the new me, who prefer the bolder, muskier and earthier kinds.

So, anyone want to Hi-5 me on this one ??
