So alike, yet so different

Comfy’s posts always makes me gooey inside, whenever I read about her cute little girls. I feel bad for all the lost out posts of mine, where I could have written and stored about my kutti girls doing this, doing that and my early motherhood hangovers and stuff like that.

Time is not lost totally and I want to go ahead and write about my girls who are totally alike yet different in many ways.  Let me put the thinking board to work !! They both are alike in many ways – actually they are like me in many ways. I loved the gene transfer that happened here 😉

Starting from being engrossed in a book till we reach the last page, watching TV shows like Castle, Two and a half men, Big Bang Theory, rom coms, those heart wrenching romantic movies, eating at our favorite Paradise in Hyderabad – we three are the same total romantics to the core !! Me and my younger one still shed a tear or two while we watch K3G !! And we all love watching JWM, for that “Kuthe, kamine” scene… 😀

Oh ho…I have ventured diagonally to my similarities with them 😛

The elder one is calm and composed, gives her opinion only when asked for it, plans ahead for all things that happen, is organized and absolutely creative. She has a great penchant for drawing, doing posters, making crafty things learning from the net, surprising everyone around her with a beautifully made card by her and her dedication and patience is something to applaud.  If people talk bad about her, she just ignores them and goes on with her life. She chooses her friends with whom she can have a great friendship through her life.

On the other hand, the younger one is like a storm on a quiet night, tells aloud “loud and clear” that this is how she is, never stops at voicing her opinion and also cares a damn if people don’t like her opinion. She hates to draw – all her science drawings were done by me and the elder one. That was one main reason she opted out of Science group 😉 Plans don’t work for her…even when she makes one, she just cannot follow it !! Impulsive, high on temper – actually emotions, very demanding of everyone – including love !!  If people talked bad about her, she will hold their collar and ask them to explain why. Then she’ll ignore them. She thinks that all thats white is good and pure and is slowly realizing the meaning of true friends who stay put with her and the others who smile with her and talk behind her back.

And of course there are some things which they do equally with great synchronization. Like the days, when they give a tight hug, telling me to stay calm and that they are there !! They bug me with their continuous ranting of “Ma” “Ma”, simply for the fun of it. Their overflowing love towards us is something unparalleled on this Earth.

Both of them have this wonderful art of giving to others and helping the needy. I feel blessed to see them help others.

When me or hubby get back home tired and they greet with a hug, a smile, a glass of juice / cup of tea – that moment, I am glad that I gave birth to them.

Bindu’s post on Parentous made me actually ask my girls to describe me in one word. The elder one, being such a sweetheart, described me as her “Universe”, which made me glow in the enlighted motherhood !! The younger one, first dodged me, saying its difficult to describe me in one word. But, all that she can think of at that moment is, “Ma, you are like the air I breathe…” !! And I was breathless with joy !!  Later, when I was getting ready to go for a wedding reception, she came and asked me, “Do you want to know one more word to describe you?” I nodded. She said “Pretty”. Who will not go Awwww at this moment !! I am no exception.


With so much of love here, I feel this is one apt post for Valentine’s day…what do you say ??

24 Replies to “So alike, yet so different”

    1. Some similarities between the elder ones and younger ones na ??? Janu, the elder one is 99% like me, while the younger one is 105% like him 😛 But the younger one wants to be like me…I don’t know why…she sometimes tries desperately !! Hugs 🙂


  1. Super liked this post Uma!! 🙂
    Romantics.. shedding a tear watching K3G.. ohhh I so get it 🙂 One blessed mom you are and your daughters are super lucky too !!


  2. Loved this. More so because you know, love and revel in their individual ness 🙂 🙂
    Love the Mom in you too, as I do the lovely daughters, even though I have not met them!
    God Bless you, and yours!


    1. Thank you Usha !! Thats so true, their individualness is something I adore…there’s a bit of me and him, but there’s also a big “them” !! One day, we’ll meet, for sure.


  3. Yeah, girls rock. Reading your post makes me so angry that the kid is in school rather than right here where I can give her a breath-stopping hug. Daughters are simply unbeatable.
    Lovely, honest, heart warming post.


  4. Again, at the risk of repeating myself, you and your girls are super awesome. And you make a super mum, Uma! (((hugs))) and all the love to you and yours.


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