“I won’t give up on you”

Today I saw this cute Mother’s day message on Instagram. One of my amazing blog friend’s daughter has gifted this to her. Its cute and touches a chord inside…esp the last line of the wish.

“You don’t give up on me”

This one…touched deep inside.

Looking from the child’s point of view, it is so very important to them that we, as mothers, don’t give up on them, for their worthiness or for their love of doing things or anything that makes the child.

All children are not the same. Some are very quiet, they rarely discuss what they want to do in life, they are happy to leave the decision making part to their parents and are also happy in taking what life has to offer them.

And then there are others, who want to create their own path. And in that process, try out varied stuff like a sport or a musical instrument or arts. They might not find what they wanted in all that they tried. But they are trying hard to find that particular thing which resonates with their inner being. And that’s the time they value the mother’s “We won’t give up on you…keep trying” attitude!

It’s very important for a child to blossom from her own experience – good and bad inclusive. As a mother I would have warned / counselled my girls about umpteen number of things – this friendship is bad or this hobby doesn’t suit you or it helps to stay cool or how to take care of your health or this and that !

The most important thing which I learnt in the process of motherhood is that all these counselling sessions don’t have any impact if I don’t follow them in real life. I cannot expect my girls to be someone by preaching and not following an iota of what I preach!  And that’s why we see a lot of our mother’s qualities in us, in our actions, in our personalities; may be with a slight modification of what we want to be as mothers!

As we keep wishing each other on Mother’s day, let us not forget this important aspect of being a mother, which is to keep our faith strong in our children and to never give up on them; with all the morals which we’ve imbibed in them, I don’t think they’ll become insensible decision makers in their life.

6 Replies to ““I won’t give up on you””

  1. So very true, Uma! Trusting them and serving as a cheering squad, no matter what are the best that we can provide them!!
    Sorry to be MIA for so long! Just getting back to blogging!

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