Day 8 – Therapy talk

I happened to come across this recently:


alk to yourself a lot…you’re the best one available for you

And that made me sigh in relief. For I’m not to be titled crazy for talking to myself most of the time.
Such talk sessions clears my mind and gives clarity to my thoughts.

Also it’s a big help when I want to rant and no one is nearby. Just try it…so therapeutic.

Another thing that’s therapeutic is talking to my plants. Ok…I’ve a tulsi plant and a money plant only. Even though there’s space for a few more, the sunlight that comes to the balcony is not enough for other plants to grow. But that’s ok…if I can do well with these plants I consider myself a good gardener…he he πŸ˜‰

Morning times, when the Sun is just coming out, when its lovely to bask in the golden sunlight for its rich Vitamin D – that’s the best time I attend to my plants too. Watering them, removing the dried leaves, cuddle talking to them – its just a serene experience. It calms my mind and makes me rejuvenated in a matter of minutes. And you see your plants growing green and lovely with all the love you shower.

Many times I tell my girls “Kuzhandhaikku thaneer vittiya?” – which literally means “Did you give water to the baby?”

So forget what the world thinks of you…actually they may not be thinking of you at all…

Just make time for yourself…talk to your best friend – your own self…
Also talk to plants…



16 Replies to “Day 8 – Therapy talk”

  1. It does help, doesn’t it? πŸ™‚
    One of my favorite memories of growing up is my dad watering plants and me sitting outside on the porch with him πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yeah…that’s a lovely bond there !
      I remember watering a huge garden at my grandpa’s place where I could talk all that I wanted to – with the trees, of course !


  2. Talking to yourself does help. I do have conversations with myself a lot, when I am walking or in the kitchen or even in the bathroom :P. It helps me to organize my thoughts better.
    So I completely agree, is therapeutic πŸ™‚

    As for referring to plants as your kozhandaikal..with you there as well! πŸ˜€

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  3. I talk to myself too πŸ™‚ Haven’t talked to plants despite having read that plants thrive when we talk to them. Let me start doing this now. I have lots of indoor plants and one of them just died, maybe talking to her would have helped πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Go on…talk to your plants too πŸ˜€
      Oh dear !! Maybe…I’ve seen my tulsi plant start blooming suddenly when I added extra soil and spent a few minutes extra with it – talking of course !


  4. Yay! I love talking to plants too. Now I know I’m not alone in this. I have got some really weird looks from colleagues when I tell them I talk to my plants πŸ˜€ That I talk to myself a lot is nothing new. See this is why I love you — we have so much in common πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahahaha…me neither :DTo one girl who gave me a look that said “You’re crazy”, I only said “What? If I can talk to my laptop, phone and fan, why not to plants?” I don;t think she had enough facial muscles to make a good enough face at that! πŸ˜›

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