The run and then…

2 decades back…

It all started with a bump
And then the run to trump
First to the C-sec OP
Vaccination, Pre-school & Props
High speed behind the first one
Crawled behind the second
Holding the cycle to balance
From shop to shop for customized dress fashions
Annual days to Birthdays
There was never a dull day.

And then hit puberty
With its load of curiosity
Any question was met with a question
And with a dramatic expression
But there was a beautiful unity.

The run to strive
Uniforms, books, homework
Arts class, Music, Dance
Cycle, Badminton, Swimming
And I was glad to be alive.

Choices and choices to gear
From clothes to footwear
What to study
And what not to study
Not to forget the teenage frontier.

Not a moment to rest
Packing lunches at my best
Learning to Bake
Some awesome Cake
But I felt a lot blessed !

Board exams take a toll
The grades taking control
A mammoth effort
To ensure support
And then the flying colors make them rock and roll 😀

Now, its all done
The birds in their college study den
Putting a brake on my run
That I almost trip and turn
Looking back at all the milestones done
Feeling proud at my marathon.

But I feel a bit weird
When life wants me cheered
To face this second innings
Both of us want it to be a great beginning
Happy we shall be when we have it steered.


Cheers to us on our new innings of life 😀