Wonderful Wednesday!

This WW has always been my perfect muse! So, let the pictures do the talking today 😀

I have chosen the color pink for today to brighten me up!

This picture was clicked outside the bus terminus!
This was outside a restaurant while I waited to be seated! The tiniest pink flower so far!
My love for mandala coloring in pink!
The gentle spokes of the vrikshi poo!
The favorite pink in bloom!
The sky in pink!

The sky at dusk

Meandering roads
Silhouettes of trees
Some wavering clouds
And a sky at dusk
Each one competing
With another
To add beauty to this picture!

The artist called nature
Busy at work
With a flat-tipped brush
Dipped in glowing golden
Orange and yellow!

Strokes the canvas
Called the sky
To create this picture!
Showcasing the talent
And to reiterate
That there is no one
Better than
The artist called Nature!

Yesterday evening, as I was busy with some work, I peeped out of my window and saw this beautiful sky. I wanted to click and make it mine. But work kept me tied up and I missed to click.

And Universe has its way of answering those wishes. Within an hour, I receive this picture from a dear friend and my happiness knew no bounds.

WW – The wonder called sky!

As you are already aware now, I love these sky watching phases during my day. It might be a brief moment in the morning, when I stare through my balcony to see if the sun has risen before me. Or it could be a moment during the day when I casually look up to see if there are black clouds looming around. It could be even be a moment like below, when I caught the glowing western colors on the move, while going for a meeting. I somehow love this click of the sunset, as the colors blend so beautifully to create such lovely shades and the sun adds its lovely evening glow. Sigh.

The following one is a fun picture. The constant looking up at the sky for patterns may yield such results, on a few occasions. While I saw a horse, dog and a bear – one behind the other, there were other friends of mine who lent their imaginary horses to this picture. And I love such cloud pattern based childlike conversations, where we keep looking for different animals or even people.

My dear friends who spent time cloud-watching with me virtually, gave me these responses and I enjoyed and laughed through the whole time.

  • looks more like a seahorse, an alligator and a rhinoceros to me 😂 and they’re dancing. Conga line 😊
  • they could be jet skiing too. 😂looks like they’re standing on one, the seahorse on the handlebar
  • Could be three on a magic carpet. 🤔 alakazam.
  • Spot the opera singer hitting a high note.
  •  ……….on a magic carpet!
  • Crocodile hugging its hatchling and a baby elephant is looking at both of them.
  • I can see a bird too.

Have a great day and look out for cloud patterns 😀

WW – Clouds on a drawing sheet

When the sky is the drawing sheet
Upon which the patterns are drawn…
Crayons were used for this
To create a different effect…
The crayons so white
On a blue sheet
Creates those white cloud patterns
By spreading the wax
With the thumb…
Isn’t it how this picture was created!?!

Many thanks to the dear person who sends me pictures of the cloud and sky, all the way from Scotland ❤

WW – Breathtaking sky!

Beautiful clouds
Amazing patterns
Awesome colors in the sky
Sunset or sunrise…

People see them
High up above
And think of me

Clicks them
And shares with me
For me to post
And show the whole world!

There are lovely people
Around me
Who knows what I like…
I cherish them all
They are a blessing
In my life!


WW – Freshness

Freshness overload
Can be in the form of new leaves too…
To cheer up the drab days
And to brighten the moments!


WW – A wondrous sky!

Partly cloudy day

Gave some rains in the evening

And when it was time for sunset

I waited with bated breath

For an orange sky and great patterns!

Before that orange takeover

The patterns kept changing

So fast and so beautiful 

That I was absolutely glued

To the sky and western sky alone!

Flowery wonders !

I always get carried away by the blue skies and the white cloud and its amazing patterns!

If there’s another thing, which will make me go Awww are the beautiful flowers and plants around me. Here’s a few from my collection for Wednesday Wonders !