61 Replies to “WW-25”

        1. Yup, so good.. send it quick… the image and its reflection fantastic…

          Doubt :Does commenting under the first person who claimed make me 1 a) 😛


  1. Nurtured
    over the years,
    green and
    flowingly full
    of life
    she keeps to herself
    in the balcony,
    upright, solitary,
    shielding from the sun,
    an inobtrusive eye
    on the events.

    For a while
    they all forgot
    about her,
    as they
    attended to the Big Tree….

    She understands.
    You can become a Big Tree
    when you learn
    to give
    of yourself
    to the other trees.

    She sees the lady
    and the young ones,
    in her life,
    brave but forlorn,
    and she bends a bit
    in the sun,
    to brush against
    a watering hand,
    her own tribute
    to the Big Tree
    as she
    sheds a tear of her own……


  2. Fist I thought this was a bird! Very beautiful photo! Did you take it? The drop of water is waiting to fall down and you caught it!

    Congratulations for the silver jubilee!


    1. Hey….thanks a lot. 🙂 🙂 This was the amazing pic which I missed posting last week, but thankfully, its perfect for my 25th week. 🙂


    1. Hey thank you Krishna Leela. 🙂 Can we have a shorter name for you, to address u easily ??? 😉

      Thanks….the photographer is very happy that the intricate things are being noted and appreciated. 🙂


    1. Whenever something or someone falls down, there are hands of comfort waiting to hold you and stop u from falling….its upto the person to fall into the hands or through the hands on to the ground….ooohhhh, too much gyaan…. 😉

      Thanks darling. 🙂 🙂


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