Moving out…

I am sorry, my dear friends, for not being around for the past few days. Yes, I had been quite busy. Heres WHY !!!!!

The news is I am moving to Chennai, out of Hyderabad. The whole process of looking out for a school for my girls, a good house with nice neighbours has kept me on my toes. My recent visit to Chennai has helped me decide on these issues and everything has been taken care of. Thank God !!!!

So, I’ll be moving out in a matter of 10 days.  And so, my internet connection will be disconnected soon, to facilitate a smoother shifting process.  I’ll be back to action in this blogosphere, once I get my internet connection in Chennai.  I’ll be missing you all !!!! 

See you all soon. 🙂

16 Replies to “Moving out…”

  1. So you are finally busy enough to be away fromt he blog world eh !!!!!

    take care and wish you all the best… !!!! settle down in Chennai and come back soon… !!! good news is lots of bloggers in Chennai !!!! 😛 😛 😛


  2. Hey, I know that leaving this place is going to be a little difficult for you. So my advice to u is : Don’t spent time moping around in Chennai. Just hit the road and focus on making new friends and forging new relationships. The quicker you get to it, the sooner you will be happy. Do not spend any time reflecting on what you have left behind. That can come later! Cheers!


  3. Hey glad to know the school and home r all decided upon 🙂 Congrats to the girls 🙂
    10 days 😐

    Gud luck dear and wish u all the happiness in life 😀



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